Hennessy Carolina
Hennessy Carolina

Fashion was always in me! The incentive to just get up and start my day by looking for an outfit to walk outside and look good, it was always in me. I think my parents and my family, my sister - when I was young, they always cared about, you know, looking good. My parents, they know how to dress.

Herman Wouk
Herman Wouk

Discount my partiality, but my report is that so far The Winds of War is looking good.

Holly Willoughby
Holly Willoughby

I know how to dress my figure, so I stay looking good by wearing the right clothes.


Looking good is a commitment to yourself and to others. Wigs, killer heels, Pilates, even fillers - whatever works for you, honey.

Ivana Trump
Ivana Trump

Looking good is the best revenge.

Jason Statham
Jason Statham

Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. If you have a healthy lifestyle, your diet and nutrition are set, and you're working out, you're going to feel good.

Joe Calzaghe
Joe Calzaghe

There's no point looking good and losing. Winning is what it's all about, and you can't always look spectacular while doing it.

Josh Duhamel
Josh Duhamel

My mother was a P.E. teacher, and she was kind of a fanatic about fitness and nutrition growing up, so it was ingrained in me at a young age. As I get older, I'm finding out it's not about getting all buffed up and looking good. It's more about staying healthy and flexible.

Josh Hutcherson
Josh Hutcherson

They're still working on the script - they've got to get that nailed down and they want the first movie to come out obviously, not get too ahead of themselves. But yeah, it's looking good. I love the second book a lot as well, so kind of diving into that is awesome.

June Whitfield
June Whitfield

I've never had a particularly sweet tooth. In fact, during the war, I used to swap my sweet ration coupons with my father - and he'd give me his clothing coupons in return. Looking good was more important to me than scoffing sweets.